Form for Intramurals - turn in to Coach Sell - Intramural Participation Form
Intramurals are designed as an extension of PE. They provide the opportunity for students in any grade to come before school and participate in the given activity.
Intramurals are designed as an extension of PE. They provide the opportunity for students in any grade to come before school and participate in the given activity.
- Intramural hours: 8:00am-8:30am (students must arrive by 8:00am in order to participate)
- Intramurals will occur Monday - Friday.
- Intramural activities will change weekly. The activities will be posted outside of the gym (also see schedule below).
- Proper athletic footwear is mandatory.
- Attendance is not mandatory. Students may participate on any days which they choose.
- Students must have a completed Participation Form in order to participate (form is valid for entire school year)
- Students will be help accountable with behavior, sportsmanship, and reflection of the WEBB Way. Failure to conduct ones' self in a proper manner can result in disqualification from the program.
Week of Activity
9-Sep Basketball
16-Sep Team Handball
23-Sep Volleyball
30-Sep Indoor Soccer
7-Oct Badminton
14-Oct none
21-Oct Basketball
28-Oct Kickball
4-Nov Indoor Soccer
11-Nov Team Handball
18-Nov 4-Square
25-Nov none
2-Dec Basketball
9-Dec Volleyball
16-Dec Indoor Soccer
23-Dec none
30-Dec none
6-Jan none
13-Jan Basketball
20-Jan Pickleball
27-Jan Indoor Soccer
3-Feb Team Handball
10-Feb 4-Square
17-Feb none
24-Feb Basketball
3-Mar none
10-Mar Indoor Soccer
17-Mar Team Handball
24-Mar Badminton
31-Mar Pickleball
9-Sep Basketball
16-Sep Team Handball
23-Sep Volleyball
30-Sep Indoor Soccer
7-Oct Badminton
14-Oct none
21-Oct Basketball
28-Oct Kickball
4-Nov Indoor Soccer
11-Nov Team Handball
18-Nov 4-Square
25-Nov none
2-Dec Basketball
9-Dec Volleyball
16-Dec Indoor Soccer
23-Dec none
30-Dec none
6-Jan none
13-Jan Basketball
20-Jan Pickleball
27-Jan Indoor Soccer
3-Feb Team Handball
10-Feb 4-Square
17-Feb none
24-Feb Basketball
3-Mar none
10-Mar Indoor Soccer
17-Mar Team Handball
24-Mar Badminton
31-Mar Pickleball